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Reply #27: Gilmour has repeatedly called "The Final Cut" a piece of shit
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Amerigo Vespucci
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Wed Dec-07-11 10:36 PM
Response to Reply #19 |
27. Gilmour has repeatedly called "The Final Cut" a piece of shit |
Following "The Wall" (according to Gilmour) Waters also tried to bring in his first solo album "Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking" as a Floyd album.
Gilmour claims "The Final Cut" is primarily outtakes from "The Wall."
The Floyd mix CD I keep in the car contains:
Echoes Speak to Me / Breathe On the Run Time Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part 1-5) Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part 6-9) Sheep Comfortably Numb
...and because the raw tracks clock in at around 81 minutes I had to do some trimming of the intros and outros to fit it on a single CD, but when I am in the mood for Floyd, this is the first CD I reach for.
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