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Reply #29: "You can miss out school, won't that be cool" not quite 13 year old [View All]

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JenniferJuniper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-08-11 12:13 AM
Response to Reply #28
29. "You can miss out school, won't that be cool" not quite 13 year old
makes me play this song nearly every Monday morning on the way to school.

I think Youtube has fueled a Small Faces resurgence to the point that they really could not be kept out of the Hall of Fame any longer, but as Itchycoo Park was their only hit in North America, the Hall may have felt they needed to toss in Rod Stewart and Ronnie Wood for the televised performance ratings. Nothing against them or the Faces, but they're both in the HoF already, and the Faces weren't nearly as innovative or influential as the Small Faces. If they only televise Rod Stewart backed by the surviving Faces performing Stay With Me IMO that will be disrespecting the memories of both the enormously talented Steve Marriott as well as the songwriting team of Marriott/Lane. Not to mention robbing the audience of perhaps learning about a remarkable band they've never really gotten to know.

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