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Reply #37: It's great that your 13 year old knows such a fantastic song! [View All]

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blue neen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-08-11 08:16 PM
Response to Reply #29
37. It's great that your 13 year old knows such a fantastic song!
Keep teaching that child about good music!!! My own 28 year old credits me with tuning in him to a lot of bands that his friends had never even heard of. :)

You're absolutely right about the innovation and influence of Small Faces. Steve was such a talent and so under-appreciated. Here's my fave:

Another interesting thing is that Ronnie Wood originally got into the Hall of Fame with the Stones, but IMHO his best guitar work was with the Faces.

His guitar just cooks on this song, and I never heard him even come close to that type of skill with the Stones (also weird how Rod Stewart is not handling the vocals here!):

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