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Reply #43: 30 days in the hole, hands down [View All]

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JenniferJuniper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-08-11 09:16 PM
Response to Reply #37
43. 30 days in the hole, hands down
my favorite Humble Pie song. Actually played it on the way to work this morning. It being apropos.

As for the kid, thanks to her dad the Clash fanatic, she used to walk around the house as a 2 year old softly singing "Saaaandinista!"

She sometimes pretends she's not interested in the stuff we play, but when I showed her this classic some months ago, she said, "If Justin Bieber watched this, he'd go home and never show his face again". She plays the drums, too, and was pretty amazed at little Kenney Jones, who looks all of 12 here.

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