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Books you're buying as Christmas gifts? Suggestions welcomed. Let's share ideas here. [View All]

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Faygo Kid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-09-11 06:04 PM
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Books you're buying as Christmas gifts? Suggestions welcomed. Let's share ideas here.
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I'm always a late starter, gift-wise, but I already have "Here Comes Trouble" from Michael Moore (autographed, of course - you can get one also autographed at his site), and am ordering "What It Means To Be A Democrat" by George McGovern (we both worked for him before we met and cast our first votes for him). She loves to cook, too, so I will probably get her Mario Batali's latest (both he and Michael Moore live in our favorite area ever, near Traverse City, MI, and I wish I could be there).

Our bookshelves are loaded with classic fiction, but history probably predominates - and science and nostalgia for me. Always looking for ideas. But that's just us. Book suggestions to share?
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