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Reply #11: how funny your cat did that! My landlady's dog, a sweet Golden Retriever, [View All]

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Flaxbee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-10-11 07:39 PM
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11. how funny your cat did that! My landlady's dog, a sweet Golden Retriever,
would poke me hard in the butt with her nose if proper attention was not paid to her wonderfulness when I first got home.

From my cats, I have become a gentler person who has learned not to yell when angry. I love all animals and would never, ever deliberately hurt any of them, would feed and cuddle and protect all of them if I could.

But. I used to just be an impatient person and when upset, loud. I am not those things anymore. Some of it no doubt comes with aging / mellowing out a bit, but also tuning in to the needs and behaviors of my cats, and not wanting to upset their sweet furry little selves, has really helped me rein in my temper. And to take the time to take very good care of them.

The only thing I do that terrifies the poor kitties is use the vacuum. :D To vacuum up the copious amounts of fur 5 shedding beasts produce.
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