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Drums Across the Bay [View All]

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trof Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-10-11 06:09 PM
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Drums Across the Bay
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Our home is relatively soundproof with all doors and windows closed.
Mid morning we began to hear a rhythmic thumping.
At first I thought it was some yahoo with super bass speakers driving by.
But it continued.
It seemed to be coming from the other side of the bay.
It continued for quite a while.

Directly across Wolf Bay from us is a Baptist camp.
Camp Baldwin.
"Looking for great place to hold a retreat, summer camp, church outing, picnic, or other activity focused on sharing, teaching and reaching lost souls for Christ? You have just found it!
Located on sixty six acres on Wolf Bay just off the Gulf of Mexico."

I walked out on the dock with my binoculars.
Couldn't see any gathering, so they must be mustered in the field beyond the buildings.
But I could here quite well due to the loud PA system, as I'm sure all of us who live on the bay could also.

"OK, everybody...I want to hear some Christmas Spirit!
All those in the Baby Jesus competition...When you go face down in those baked beans I want to see you come up with a WHOLE CAN of baked beans on your face!"


It sounds like some kind of youth/Christmas/Jesus pep rally.
Go Jesus!

Caveat: The camp is usually 'good neighbors'.
Quiet over there most of the year.

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