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Reply #13: It's really a mess over there - did not renew my "star" or whatever they're calling now because of
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Fri Feb-24-12 06:17 PM
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13. It's really a mess over there - did not renew my "star" or whatever they're calling now because of |
1. It's totally clique-driven.
2. The "Host" concept is deeply flawed. Hell, in one group over there you had hosts and co-hosts going to war with each other in public.
3. The bullies who caused so many problems in DU2 but the admins could never summon up the courage to ban rule the roost in DU3. I see now why the admins went on and on and on in "ask the admins" how wonderful DU3 was going to be: it is, for them. They no longer have to take any responsibility for anything other than keeping the lights on on their own website. The fact that it has descended into a Lord-of-the-flies type atmosphere over apparently doesn't trouble them in the least.
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