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Sad post, and since this is still functioning.... [View All]

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tnlefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-26-12 10:28 PM
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Sad post, and since this is still functioning....
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A co-worker of my husband, who graduated from the high school that 2 of our sons graduated from, and one is still attending...

who used to sit with us at high school football games when our sons were in band... and is an all around nice guy...

**** and his wife, *****, had difficulties getting pregnant and they finally did. Everything was going well until last Weds. My husband talked to **** Thurs. and he seemed very upbeat, although his wife had been hospitalized Weds., she was given steroids, stabilized and as he stated, "We'll be going home in a couple of days to ride things out".

Translation for anyone who hasn't had a problematic pregnancy - going home on bedrest for as long as the pregnancy continues.

***** had to have a c-section Fri. and *** was beginning his 32nd week, and his mother died around 7 this morning.

As I explained to my youngest earlier today...women know that women die from pregnancy complications, or during childbirth, but even though my pregnancies were complicated, women don't think about being a number in the tally, and neither do their partners. You go on thinking that all is correct with the world.

My heart is broken for **** as I can't imagine what he's going through. Our first was a preemie, 33 wks. and 5 days, and preemies are harder to care for than the 2 we had later who were 'pulled a little green', but nothing like that early.

*****, RIP, and I'm sorry that *** won't have you to love as his mother. ***, continue to do well in the NICU....

Plea...whatever DUer's do be it prayer, meditation, or whatever, please do so for all three of them and their families.

Sorry to ramble, but I'm still shocked.
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