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Reply #6: Thanks, and thanks again.... [View All]

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tnlefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-09-12 09:55 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Thanks, and thanks again....
it will be a bittersweet time when **** takes little *** home as that is not the way things are supposed to be....Mom was supposed to be there, too.

I have 3 boys, and in their first year they clung to me. They were happy to interact with Dad, but they clung to me. They're now 22, 19 and 17 and when something isn't right in their worlds, they talk to me first, when all is well with them they talk to Dad.

I have told them that they probably know me better than I know myself. When I made the decision to continue the pregnancies, they knew my heart rate, bowel sounds, etc., and they were comforted by me.

**** was at work today, according to hubby, and yes, he and baby *** are in my thoughts, and thanks for the link.
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