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I'm having an uncontrollable laughing fit over this... [View All]

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Sapphocrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-02-12 11:39 PM
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I'm having an uncontrollable laughing fit over this...
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Why? WHY? Why would anyone want potatoes in her pants? :rofl:

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UGA soccer player charged with stealing hashbrowns

A University of Georgia soccer player is charged with trying to steal an order of hashbrown potatoes in her pants.

According to UGA police records, Carli Shultis, 19, was arrested around 8:30 a.m. Feb. 21 at the Bulldog Cafe in the Tate Center on campus.

Shultis admitted to a police officer that she had stuffed the hashbrowns in her pants to avoid paying for them, the Red & Black reported.

Shultis also told police that she had enough money to pay for the hashbrowns, which were valued at $1.06, the paper said. ...


The worst (best?) part: When she realized she's been seen, she took the potatoes out of her pants and to put them back on the food counter.
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