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Reply #2: Question??? [View All]

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Lostnote03 Donating Member (850 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-19-04 04:29 AM
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2. Question???
.......I heard that 38% was the total for registered voters in this off yr election.....Is that the case?.....I have heard this referred to as a huge turnout?.....I congragulate you for your efforts and as a resident of the 6th District I contributed my efforts as well......I have heard him say that he wishes to be placed on the Foreign relations committee.....I had suggested downloading the documentary "Iraq Uncovered" and distributing it since the producer has agreed to waive proprietary rights.......Neither the campaign chairman or anyone else in the campaign heirarchy was familiar with it, including the candidate himself.....They rejected this idea w/o having viewed the documentary.....In any case I feel that he has much to prove wrt his understanding of internat'l issues before being allowed on the Foreign Relations Committee......I personaly feel that he is more qualified for the Governors position however am elated that he is being sent to Congress.....I feel that he is a very decent person and will represent our country with distinction......Best Wishes
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