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Reply #4: CEOs in the country's S&P 500 companies make 319 times more than the average American worker [View All]

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Mimosa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-03-10 02:13 AM
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4. CEOs in the country's S&P 500 companies make 319 times more than the average American worker
Edited on Sat Jul-03-10 02:13 AM by Mimosa


Smith, an alderman in Chicago, presented posters at a city council meeting showing that Walmart CEO Michael Duke's $35 million salary, when converted to an hourly wage, worked out to $16,826.92. By comparison, at a Walmart store planned for the Windy City's Pullman neighborhood, new employees to be paid $8.75 an hour would gross $13,650 a year.

A study last fall by the Institute for Policy Studies, a liberal Washington D.C. research group, found that CEOs in the country's S&P 500 companies make, on average, 319 times more than the average American worker.

IPS associate fellow Sam Pizzigati said that in the 1970s, that ratio was 30 to 1.

"We've seen, over the past three decades, a tenfold-plus increase in the gap between top executives and average American workers," Pizzigati said. "That Chicago alderman is putting his finger on a very real problem in American economic life."
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