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Reply #8: I got up to 20% return in dividends on DSX(Diana) & EGLE (Eagle) stocks [View All]

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Divernan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-11-11 09:42 AM
Response to Original message
8. I got up to 20% return in dividends on DSX(Diana) & EGLE (Eagle) stocks
Edited on Thu Aug-11-11 09:45 AM by Divernan
until 2008, when the bottom fell out. At the end of 2008, with DSX leading the way the dry shippers stopped paying dividends - to survive what they anticipated correctly would be years of difficult economic times. My last quarterly dividend in Dec. of 2008 was $.95 per share. My stock values (i.e., my retirement savings) dropped about 80%, and the dividends stopped completely. I sold off and got out of the market completely. It was the right move - the shares continued to drop and never recovered. No dividends paid since 2008.

You might as well keep what little savings you may have in a damned shoebox under your bed.
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