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Reply #3: We live on the east side. It's really hot in our house a few days a year,
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Mon Feb-07-11 04:24 AM
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3. We live on the east side. It's really hot in our house a few days a year, |
but we have lots of trees and a well insulated house and don't need air conditioning. We close off the part of our house that faces east and gets the morning sun and then we keep the curtains shut. We have awnings over some of our windows. They don't look at that great, but they help keep the house cool. But we have insulation in our attic and walls and that is probably the most important reason we keep relatively cool. It gets really hot in the midwest in parts of the summer and stays hot at night. Here it cools off most nights. Don't even think of comparing the heat in Los Angeles to the humid heat that they get in a place like southern Alabama. Living in southern Alabama in the summer without air conditioning is sheer misery. That is not true in Los Angeles.
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