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Reply #59: It means the global market has spoken and not in favor of the dollar. [View All]

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BeHereNow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-09-11 03:22 PM
Response to Reply #54
59. It means the global market has spoken and not in favor of the dollar.
PMs are a global market- thus the price is set by global buyers.
People are fleeing the dollar and rightly so-
Any currency value that is recovered will be temporary as it is
built on nothing, no actual value what so ever- when the house of cards
collapses, people will suffer severe losses in any dollar based assets-
thus the global flocking to a more reliable asset- gold, silver and commodities.

Keep your gold- and buy some silver if you can.

Any assets you have in US fiat dollars will shrink.
The PMs are globally recognized as safe havens to protect your assets.

TPTB are running out of smoke and mirrors to present to the world
about our dying economy.

Keep your gold.
Buy silver- it's bargain basement priced right now-
in three years or so, you will be happy you sheltered your assets in the shiny stuff.

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