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Reply #3: Feh. The job creation thing is important, but... [View All]

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TreasonousBastard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-12-11 09:47 AM
Response to Original message
3. Feh. The job creation thing is important, but...
that's the same as any new industry creating jobs. Ford and GM were huge net job creators when they started, too. And, ummm... how many jobs did the Sony Walkman create when it came out? Or the VCR? How many now? And, speaking of Apple, their real job creation was with the Apple II which was a major start for the whole computer thing.

But this market cap thing is bullshit-- it's just where major stock buyers are holding their money. I think it was in the 70s when Avon had a higher market cap than Ford because its chances for "growth" were better.

At the time market watchers thought this was hilarious because Ford actually owned factories, machinery, patents and lots of stuff considered valuable. A lot more than Avon owned. Ford could even conceivably stop making cars and trucks and live for a while just selling off its capital. But, Ford was considered old and feeble while Avon was poised for huge growth with more women around the world using more makeup.

So it is with Apple.

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