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Reply #6: He is probably hanging around too much with Larry Summers [View All]

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jakeXT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-15-11 07:26 AM
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6. He is probably hanging around too much with Larry Summers

From Nov 2009

Roubini Says Rogers’s $2,000 Gold ‘Utter Nonsense’ (Update1)

“Maybe it will reach $1,100 or so but $1,500 or $2,000 is nonsense,” Roubini said.

Role models

He credits a number of economists for his understanding of economics. He said, "One person who has had a great impact on me intellectually was my adviser at Harvard, Jeffrey Sachs. For me he’s the model of a great intellectual. He is both a rigorous academic and very human, involved in big picture issues such as poverty, AIDS, and Africa. He’s someone with a great mind that is also very engaged with the world. Another intellectual hero is Larry Summers, the former President of Harvard, an amazing intellectual and academic, who is very deeply involved with the policy world. I worked for him for many years in the US Treasury during the Clinton Administration".<9>
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