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Hewlett-Packard to exit computing and buy Autonomy (BBC) [View All]

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eppur_se_muova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-11 08:42 PM
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Hewlett-Packard to exit computing and buy Autonomy (BBC)
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Hewlett-Packard has confirmed plans to stop making PCs, tablets and phones, in order to refocus on software.

It has also emerged that the US company has agreed to buy UK software firm Autonomy for £6.2bn ($10.3bn).

HP added that it was considering selling its personal systems group, which includes the world's biggest PC-making business, and that it will discontinue its webOS devices.

The webOS operating system is used in its tablet computers and smartphones.


The announcements mark a significant U-turn for the company, which announced in a March strategic review that it would integrate webOS into all of its future hardware.
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