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Reply #17: Heard of Dominique Strauss-Kahn ??? The IMF Socialist guy ? Hotel problem guy.....
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Fri Sep-16-11 09:18 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
17. Heard of Dominique Strauss-Kahn ??? The IMF Socialist guy ? Hotel problem guy..... |
The Basel standards, hard ball, screw the worst-of-the-banks guy ?
The guy who want to move control of the international organizations away from The Fed ?
Broad appraisal of EU concerns and intro to DSK
And then this :::
Where DSK calls for European Resolution Authority and specific non-Bernanke tools to deal with failing banks.
DSK is as far as you're going to get in international banking from the ZIRP/screw-the-Middle-Class madness of The Fed.
DSK's "tools" include detailed management of credit default swaps and application of insurance regulation to all such risk-casino transactions. Just imagine the head-exploding reactions to DSK bringing these tools online in EU, resulting in wake-up calls in Washington.
BTW: rape in New York ?
Really ?
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