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Greece's Middle Class Revolt against Austerity. "We Won't Pay" [View All]

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dixiegrrrrl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-23-11 04:00 PM
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Greece's Middle Class Revolt against Austerity. "We Won't Pay"
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This is the key point of the article, I do encourage reading it.

"business owners' absolute refusal to pay any taxes resembles an uprising of the ownership class, rather than the working class, a rebellion of the self-employed business owners who have long been the backbone of Greek society."

"Standing in his small store, Belitsakos makes a sweeping gesture and says that the people in his movement no longer have a choice. "The state will kill us," he says. "We're acting in self-defense." Then he starts to do the math. Over the last two years, his sales have massively shrunk as 60 of the tavernas and restaurants he used to make deliveries to have terminated their contracts with him. At the same time, the government has raised the value-added tax (VAT) twice while imposing a never-ending series of new fees. He mentions the €300 ($406) one-time fee for the self-employed, a two-percentage-point boost in the VAT, a €180 solidarity levy for the unemployed and a property tax that is "easily a few hundred euros every year.",1518,787847,00.html
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