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Who ARE the unemployed? [View All]

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Owlet Donating Member (765 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-26-11 07:09 AM
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Who ARE the unemployed?
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Just who are the unemployed? I mean, how many by some sort of job skills category? Is there a government website that provides this information?

Here's why I'm asking. Please excuse my ignorance in this.

I know several people who have lost jobs in the past 8 - 14 months and who have not yet found other work. One was an executive assistant in an insurance company, late 30's, divorced. Another worked as a machinist for a defense contractor who sent his job to Georgia. He's 54, married, 2 grown kids. A third is a housecleaner who was laid off because folks around here are cutting back on those kinds of services. She is 62, divorced, not in the best of health. I could list a dozen more, but of the people I know who are no longer employed, only one is a former construction worker. He used to build houses and now works from time to time as a handyman.

My point is this: where is the jobs program for these people? Somehow I don't see any of them working on some infrastructure project.

Oh, and there's this: the three examples I cited above are all members of the Democrat Town Committee where I live. Ironically, with their forced idleness they have time available and all three were very helpful in our recent primary.
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