My last job ended over two and a half years ago, and the longer I'm out of work, the less likely am I to remember the different software I'd used at different jobs. Not to mention other software that I'd never had to use. Each job expects knowledge of a different group of programs. It makes no sense to take classes because I don't know which I will need, and if I'm not using it frequently I won't remember it anyway. It probably doesn't matter anyway because employers can--and would rather--hire younger people who were weaned on computers. Maybe I'm wrong, but I tend to assume that all the younger folks out there know all of the software, and know it very well.
The reason I started doing administrative work a decade ago, after my long time job was sent on a slow boat to the Philippines, was because those jobs were around, I could get them, and they paid better than writing jobs. (With my education, these would never have been my first choice in jobs.) Now, the skills are more complex and employers expect you to be expert in every single thing you might ever have to do in the position. I sometimes think I'm not even qualified for any job anymore and it's scary!
By the way, I don't know if I've ever been counted as unemployed because I've never been able to collect! My last position was with a church, and you can't collect unemployment when you work for a church.