Edited on Mon Sep-26-11 05:05 PM by tech5270
I quit working back in 2002. My profession was electronics repair. I loved the work I did and keep my hands in it to this day. I worked for both international corporations and family businesses. I worked for starvation wages and got paid fairly well. The pay wasn't an issue, I loved what I did and knew I was giving the customer something for their dollar.
I quit being a wage slave because the same mentality in every business I dealt with. Employee's were no longer considered an asset just a liability. I spent the last 15 years trying to keep the company from committing financial suicide. It broke my back, ruined my marriage, and broke my heart. I watched so many good people walk in and out of the companies I worked for, I just couldn't take it any more.
There isn't a company I worked with that wouldn't take me back in a minute. I just can't do it until management can think beyond the next quarter. I know there are some companies out there that are thinking in the long term. When it's time to get back to work, I hope I can find them. Right now my job is taking care of my 90 y/o mother. I don't think I could have a better job.
edit spelling