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Reply #9: All infrastructure jobs aren't going to require hard hats, strong backs, [View All]

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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-18-11 11:56 AM
Response to Original message
9. All infrastructure jobs aren't going to require hard hats, strong backs,
and the knowledge to run heavy equipment. There are also going to be jobs counting hours and making payrolls, paying supplier bills, balancing books, and the usual answering phones and filing. You don't have to be young and strong to do office work. You just need a working knowledge of English and some math skills are a plus. If you're at all computer literate, so much the better.

Don't forget that the jobs that put money into workers' pockets are also going to help them create demand for goods and services and don't forget also that there is a hell of a lot of pent up demand. The wheezing energy hog refrigerators and stoves with burned out elements need to be replaced, the cars need to be fixed or replaced, hair needs to be groomed to fit into the office, adequate clothing needs to be purchased, and those toothaches will be taken care of at long last. Every single infrastructure job is going to create a ripple effect of more jobs created at every single level.

Remember, economies function from the bottom up, not from the top down. The Republicans get it backwards and that's why they invariably crash the economy whenever they're in power too long.
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