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Reply #1: The only change to Social Security should be to raise the Cap.
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Sat Oct-01-11 02:00 AM
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1. The only change to Social Security should be to raise the Cap. |
Edited on Sat Oct-01-11 02:01 AM by JDPriestly
Those of us who have just been forced into retirement by the lame job market will be severely penalized for the rest of our lives if the Social Security benefits are now reduced or reduced in the future.
Cutting Social Security will not help the economy. It will just shift the burden for caring for elderly parents increasingly on young families.
Those of us who paid into Social Security since 1985 paid more than enough into the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for our retirement. The Congress now needs to get the backbone to repay that money by raising the taxes on the rich. The best way to start repaying that money is to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
We also need to rebuild our manufacturing base in an environmentally healthy way. That is the key to everything else. And achieving that goal means ending our give away free trade agreements. China subsidizes its industry. That is one of the major reasons that it is so "competitive." We need to subsidize our industry -- but not through tax breaks. They don't do the job.
I agree about military spending. It could be cut without reducing our defense or readiness capacity.
Instead, we need to impose tariffs on imports and use that money for health care so that our businesses do not pay for the health care of their employees. That would be the best way to help subsidize businesses and the American people.
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