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Reply #5: Might be time [View All]

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liberalmike27 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-03-11 09:44 AM
Response to Reply #1
5. Might be time
with our two tiered society to start working that "living-wage" thing again, you think?

Seriously though it's amazing how often they talk of consumer spending, but never mention the cuts in wages and benefits, even though they have a direct association.

It's a little like they don't mention unfair, one-sided, corporate and wealthy benefiting, union-manufacturing-exporting trade agreements, that only benefit the rich, in creating the huge unemployment we now have, even though it is the single most direct factor in creating the unemployment, and to a very large extent, they CHOSE to do this, on both sides of our very narrow political party structure.

I had a boss that once said whatever you do to the lower classes, it'll eventually come around and kick the rich in the ass. I guess it goes hand in hand with the saying "money is like manure. When it's all in one place, in a big pile it just stinks. But if you spread it around, it serves as fertilizer, making the economy grow."
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