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Reply #8: well, over 80% of the US Chamber of Commerce "jobs plan" is being pushed by Obama, I was [View All]

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Dragonfli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-03-11 10:16 AM
Response to Reply #6
8. well, over 80% of the US Chamber of Commerce "jobs plan" is being pushed by Obama, I was
Wondering when they would get to this part of the Chambers plan (increased tourism revenue), all that is really left now is for him to green light the pipeline like he promised them and he will have nearly their entire agenda well represented, he will still have to bargain away a few pieces of progressive window dressing (mostly centered on a progressive way to pay for it), but I am sure they will get everything they want in the end.

Check and see if there is other stuff they wanted that he or others in his employ have not endorsed (I think tax amnesty for overseas corporate tax cheats still has to be put into some form of legislation), I want to see if I missed anything
Link Tho COC "Jobs" demands:
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