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Charlie Rose Tonight - The most fascinating explanation of the current global economic crisis [View All]

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Dover Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-04-11 12:02 AM
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Charlie Rose Tonight - The most fascinating explanation of the current global economic crisis
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Edited on Tue Oct-04-11 12:13 AM by Dover
I have heard yet. Charlie interviews author Michael Lewis who has a unique and fascinating perspective on
the current situation around the world and the players. His lens in sociological more than economic and
he looks at everything from the current Wall Street occupation to why Iceland, Ireland and Greece are responding
so differently to the economic crisis. Tune in if you're on the West Coast or wait until they post the show
on Charlie Rose's website and check it out. It is enlightening.

On edit: You can also watch previous interviews with Michael Lewis on C. Rose's website at the above link.
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