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Reply #30: Look, scamsters cloaked with the "good name" of major financial institutions [View All]

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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-18-11 03:01 AM
Response to Reply #15
30. Look, scamsters cloaked with the "good name" of major financial institutions
Edited on Tue Oct-18-11 03:07 AM by truedelphi
Sold the people of the world a bunch of ludicrous "investments" such that some people think a quadrillion bucks worth of "investments" could be called in, how the hell can that be paid?

There isn't enough material stuff in the world to make such repayments.

The Icelanders had it right - sure, they shouldn't have been greedy enough to buy into such a scam - but since the scamsters came to them with the hard sell, why should they endanger their lives forever, and the lives of their kids, and the grand kids and the great grand kids.

The people at the top that invented all the various exotic investments need to be given a reality check.

And the people of the nations of the world need to continue their protests, and let those "Too Big To Fail" simply fail.

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