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Reply #34: That's exactly correct.
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Wed Nov-09-11 08:27 PM
Response to Reply #16 |
34. That's exactly correct. |
TARP was a huge heist. Taking taxpayers money and giving it to Goldman Sachs needs more money. They even changed their corporate structure so to get the taxpayer's money.
The whole game is get the Taxpayers on the hook for the losses. Many books have been written about this.
And now, without Glass-Steagall, we're in big shit. BofA and Merrill Lynch are ONE's total CORRUPTION. BofA transferred derivatives from Merrill to the other side so to be under FDIC.
It's lunacy.
The world would be better off without Goldboyz Suck.
Bonds are an investment just like any other....there is RISK involved. There is no guarantee that one will get her money back, nor interest payments.
The game is over...the paradigm must shift from competition (which we have little of these days) to cooperation. A business co-op is a fine business model. Greed has reached its limits. OWS!!! No on Issue 2!!! The people have had enough.
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