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Reply #3: My local MalWart hasn't even put out the usual xmas stuff [View All]

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queenjane Donating Member (258 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-13-11 07:50 AM
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3. My local MalWart hasn't even put out the usual xmas stuff
Normally by mid-September, the garden center is stuffed with artificial trees, inflatable snowmen, cheap plastic ornaments, cinnamon-scented pinecones, ad nauseum. Not this year. A few decked-out trees have appeared, but they've been by their lonely selves for weeks.

At some point, everyone has enough xmas stuff. At some point, people just can't spend more money on decor or basically useless "gift" items. For myself, I don't even put anything up in the house because my cats will annihilate it in 5 minutes. I buy gifts now for 4 people. I send 7 cards. I have scaled back because of funds, damage to the environment, and the realization that we all have way more stuff than we could ever need. Yes, our economy is built on non-stop consumer spending, which is why our economy's collapsing now. I have no answers, but I refuse to continue feeding this beast.

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