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Reply #7: my brother and I use and donate in others name -does anyone know
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Thu Oct-13-11 01:48 PM
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7. my brother and I use and donate in others name -does anyone know |
if this is a good org.??
Kiva looks interesting> maybe use them this year.
I think my other brother and his wife are totally annoyed by this as they have always been useless stuff consumers anyway and continue with the consumer gifts. Just something they cant let go of.
They just look at the donations card in their name and seem annoyed.
What they do not realize is that we usually return or donate their child gifts to a charity as they are not of interest or personal -just random gifts they feel the need to buy and give out and then are not played with or read.
I know it is done with Christmas spirit but totally a waste IMO.
I let my other brother tell them we were moving to charity donations a few years ago after we talked over our dislike of where it was going between the 2 of us. Bigger and bigger every year to what end?
Hoping the donations thing catches on, if giving is a must to celebrate/enjoy Christmas, or the whole buying frenzy @ this time of year cools down totally and not just because of the economy but consciousness.
I am not the Grinch -just way too much useless crap some feel the need to buy in some whipped up Christmas blurr and then a lot owe the credit card when it is all over.
None of my friends exchange gifts and only 5 out of towners get cards but we all celebrate and actually enjoy Christmas with out the commercial trappings although I bet some could just not see it.
Oh and we dont feel the need to over eat either.......
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