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Reply #5: Very good point. Which is why the first thing that [View All]

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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-22-11 03:03 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Very good point. Which is why the first thing that
Should have happened, back during the 2008 Economic Crisis, is for Congress to have handled the situation the same way that Congress handled the S & L failures - create chartered state banks, loan the 1.2 Trillion to fourteen trillions of buck to the state chartered banks and enforce the requirements that those entities loan out the monies to the local community.

And in fact, you' re not really creating banks, you are just seeing that already existing banks are chartered.

And then again (using the same pool of money 1.2 trillion to fourteen trillion mentioned above) instead of letting Bernanke "loan" the secret monies he gave to the largest firms, have the money be loaned to the states directly. This way, the many state and county employees who have been laid off would still be employed. They would be paying sales tax when they shopped, the businesses they visit would be paying taxes, etc.

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