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Reply #11: Told ya so [View All]

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frazzled Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-27-11 10:24 AM
Response to Reply #8
11. Told ya so
As you well know, employment is dependent on the economy growing, and lags behind--always. The point is, the OP claimed we are in a double-dip recession. That is simply untrue as based on the standard economic definition of recession.

No one doubts that unemployment is still the major issue--and that Republican chicanery and obstinacy is contributing to the stubborn refusal for the numbers to move. The fact is (and look it up): while the private sector actually has been steadily adding jobs (not enough, but adding), it is the PUBLIC sector--states and cities slashing jobs for government workers, teachers, etc.--because of state and city deficits that is the reason that the unemployment numbers are stuck around 9 per cent. Again, Republicans just voted to deny aid to the states for rehiring workers.

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