That would mean a double-dip recession. (I take the word "another" at face value). So that is what I addressed. I think we should take some encouragement from the news that the economy did not stay stagnant or lose ground this past quarter but grew by 2.5%. It's not enough, for sure, and there are three decades worth of wage stagnation to make up for. I never expected the president to be able to turn that baby around in two and a half years. I'm just pleased that we are continuing to claw ourselves out of the giant hole, even if it is inch by inch.
And yes, we do have to keep our eyes on what the big, overall economic numbers say; and keep them separate from the anecdotal stories of individuals, important as those are to the lives of those people (and yes, to me). To say we're in a recession ("another" or not) only makes things worse for all those people out there looking for jobs.