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Can You Buy One Page of Non-Fiction? [View All]

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Boojatta Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-28-11 04:11 PM
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Can You Buy One Page of Non-Fiction?
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Edited on Fri Oct-28-11 04:12 PM by Boojatta
For example, if you are downloading to an ebook reader, then it shouldn't be difficult to manage the logistics of the transaction. You simply need to identify the page that you're interested in. How you organize your files on your ebook reader is your problem, not the problem of the seller.

I would think that it's natural to search for specific content that you are interested in. For example, you can use Google Books. If you find a sentence or two that are intriguing, then you might want to see more and be willing to pay for a whole page simply in order to read the whole page.

The pro-rated cost of a single page shouldn't be high.

Of course, it's possible to write a few pages of interesting and worthwhile material, and then add a couple of hundred pages of useless filler, and refuse to sell the book except as a package deal. However, surely most publishers don't want the book-buying public to think that this is what they are buying.

A good way to persuade the book-buying public that what is available isn't merely a bit of quality material and a lot of useless filler would be to sign contracts with writers that permit people to buy individual pages, and to give the book-buying public the opportunity to buy individual pages.
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