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Reply #2: Have you read the article on Gov Rick Perry and how they snookered the Texas public into [View All]

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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-05-11 07:33 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Have you read the article on Gov Rick Perry and how they snookered the Texas public into
Edited on Sat Nov-05-11 07:52 PM by truedelphi
believing that the regulatory commissions they set up, using industry money, would actually protect people? It is in Rolling Stone this week.

And how industry people could pay the Governor a set amount and then have whatever they needed to have happen be allowed.

So the people of Texas now have this basically unregulated nuclear waste site that is more than likely already leaking radiation into a nearby Texas town, and also into Ogallala aquifer that offers up the drinking and irrigation water for seven states.

The article is proably available for a free read over at the Rolling Stone website.

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