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Reply #3: I know that you mean, actually [View All]

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FirstLight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-03-11 10:45 AM
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3. I know that you mean, actually
I am so glad I turned off my cable. I realize how much of an illusion of wealth and fantasy we live in.

The damn richy-rich 'lifestyles' type of shows disgust me because I think about how many people need so much, and they can spend a half mil on a hotel room or a trinket, with nary a thought of how to make the world a better place. it *is* sickening...

But also the insidiousness of the Disney lifestyle, et-al..everyone has phones, clothes are all in style and up to date, no worries about how to pay for sister to go to prom or what do do when jr blows up the gazebo...they just buy a new one, right? Let alone worries about real life problems like rent, food, etc. if they decide to have an episode about mom getting laid off, it is all solved in 30 mins, and they are never worried about the survival aspect of it...

ya, disgusting to me, too

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