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Olympus warned of possible share delisting (BBC) [View All]

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eppur_se_muova Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-10-11 02:29 PM
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Olympus warned of possible share delisting (BBC)
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The Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) has put Olympus shares "under supervision" and warned that they could be delisted.

The move came as Olympus said it would not be able to meet the 14 November deadline to submit its quarterly earnings report.

Earlier this week, Olympus executives admitted to hiding losses from investments over decades.

Shares in the camera maker have lost almost two-thirds of their value since 14 October.

"If the company does not submit the quarterly report within one month of the statutory submission deadline (up to 14 December, 2011), stocks of the company shall be delisted," the exchange said in a statement.

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