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Seig Heil...yes, Merkel goes there: [View All]

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dixiegrrrrl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-13-11 07:55 PM
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Seig Heil...yes, Merkel goes there:
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Buried at the bottom of this story on EU Treaty issues is this very tipping of the hand bit:

Merkel has suggested she would like to see the EU have the right to interfere in national budgets in extreme cases where euro zone stability is put at risk. But Germany has stopped short of that in its proposals and asks rather for sanctions for those that breach deficit rules to be written into the treaty.

This would involve the right to challenge states at the European Court, to have their budgets declared void, without meddling further in the details.

Under the German proposals, the EU commission would also play a stronger role in monitoring budgets.

LOTS of people are not going to "get it", that Merkel is voicing the closing moves of the financial Grand Chessboard:
"What Merkel and the rest of Germany proposes is nothing less than the arrogation to themselves of the sovereign right of other nations"...says Denninger, and he is right..if a nation cannot control its budget, what is the point?

This loss of national sovereignty is what the people of Greece are rioting about.
And now the EU is talking more and more about the currency they have been movng towards, the Special Drawing Rights, the "One World" currency that people used to call a conspiracy theory.
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