5. I’ve never found any statistics explaining what the ratio is of employees who work for government agencies vs. employees who work for private industry. Do any of you know? Again, I’ve read numerous complaints that there are too many government workers being paid for by taxes. I think the stereotype is of a bureaucrat at a desk working for a federal agency, but to me, government employees also include the following: the military, police and fire and other types of city-related jobs such as garbage collection, education, health care, not to mention the thousands of elected officials of cities and states and their staffs. Why are these folks being derided?
6. Last but not least, there seem to be some theories regarding the service/government employees that don't make sense to me. There are many who want to reduce the number of government employees. I’ll be the first to admit there’s way too much bureaucracy, but what would happen to all of these aforementioned folks if they were laid off? Wouldn’t that increase the unemployment levels? There also seems to be a related theory that if the public and private industries pay fewer taxes, then more businesses would be created or start hiring again. Would those same new businesses turn around and hire all of these additional out-of-work folks? Or is it a secret hope by the unemployed former manufacturing employees that they’ll get work and it will be the laid-off government and service workers’ turns to be unemployed? By the attitudes I’ve surmised of some of the people who have written on the Internet, I believe that seems to be case.