the pristine structure in 2005. The structures will continue to deteriorate until the city steps in, condemns them, and bulldozes them at taxpayer expense. Then the banks will collect insurance and people will still be on the street.
A better idea is for the Occupy movement to branch out and start setting up squatter collectives in areas where there are large numbers of abandoned properties. Squatters would keep them up to a certain extent and prevent their being stripped for copper by vandals while keeping housing stock available should we kick out all conservatives and get a reasonable economy back. Occupy Housing should be a priority.
The second question is a little thornier. While buying "American" at thrift shops and yard sales might deprive corporations of some ill gotten gains on sweatshop labor overseas, a good thing, the people who are paid for the items will still go out and get new stuff to fatten them. Buying thrift shop stuff is great if you can't afford store bought. Yard sales are great, especially if you're trying to clothe kids and get them enough new toys to keep them occupied. However, there's no real way to deprive the corporate monster of its flesh.