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Reply #4: you know there is a good chance that you would lose your job as well [View All]

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bossy22 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-19-11 04:45 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. you know there is a good chance that you would lose your job as well
if the entire banking system imploded. Think 9% unemployment is bad...try 19%. If the banking system implodes credit will dry up over night, forcing many businesses, from large fortune 500's to mom and pop shops will be no longer to fund their day to day operations. There will be missed paychecks, missed mortgage payments, people unable to buy food since they are unable to withdraw money from their bank account or that their paycheck that they rely on didnt come because their employer has no line of credit from which to use to pay them.

It would be 2008 x 10- look what happened the last time? We are still suffering the effects of the financial crisis- do you really want to go through that again?
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