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Reply #4: If you compare GDP, you also have to compare populations. [View All]

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JDPriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-26-11 01:25 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. If you compare GDP, you also have to compare populations.
Edited on Sat Nov-26-11 01:28 PM by JDPriestly
China, 1,339,724,852

India, 1,210,193,422

USA, 312,670,000

Germany, 81,729,000

The GDP alone does not reveal how poor or wealthy individuals in a country are.

Poverty is still very widespread in India, and Indians undercut American workers. We will end up like India if we continue to permit so much unemployment in our country.

I'm in favor of helping people in other countries, provided that the cost in terms of job losses in our country caused by importing goods and outsourcing jobs is shared equitably among rich and poor.

The Republican, big business response to the economic downturn in our country is always lay more people off -- in other words, cause more misery and poverty in our country.

That response is wrong. We need to reject it. The growth in the Chinese and Indian economies runs parallel to the stagnation and increasing poverty in our own. It doesn't have to be that way.

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