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The 1% Pays Only 10% of Their Profits to Feds [View All]

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Modern School Donating Member (558 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-25-11 11:33 PM
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The 1% Pays Only 10% of Their Profits to Feds
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According to the Harper's Index, corporations paid only 10% of their profits in taxes last year, compared with 40.6% in 1961.

What's changed?

The ruling elite have been able to slash business taxes over the last 25 years. Simultaneously they've increased their profits by working their employees harder, longer and faster, while paying them less. According to Harper's, 3/4 of their increased profit margin is due to depressed wages.

What hasn't changed?

The ruling elite then, like today, had a monopoly on political power and the machinery of production, compelling the rest of us to sell them our labor under whatever conditions they dictated. There was still homelessness, unemployment, poverty, hunger, want and privation. They were befouling the air and water, poisoning low income communities, pillaging poor countries in the global south, and slaughtering civilians whereever U.S. hegemony was being challenged.

Modern School
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