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Reply #1: As someone in the banking industry [View All]

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TexasPaganDem Donating Member (6 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-30-11 08:47 AM
Response to Original message
1. As someone in the banking industry
this horrifies me. GreenDot cards are known problems in banks and for law enforcement because there is no ID verification. It is simple to open an account under a fictitious name, then load the card with stolen funds for money laundering. It's gotten so bad, that when we see the GreenDot card, we assume that it's a fraudulent transaction.

That being said, if they provide proper ID and everything checks out, we are more than happy to do the transaction for them. We understand in the retail centers that not everyone can qualify for an account due to past issues, and prepaid cards are a way of handling transactions you normally just couldn't do easily without a debit card.

(And to clarify, I work in a "retail center" i.e. branch, of a large bank as a personal banker. I joke with my customers I wish I was one of the Wall Street bankers making billions of dollars for screwing people rather than working paycheck to paycheck. The fact that they call them retail centers now just emphasizes the fact that they have moved from servicing to selling, which sucks. I love my customers, but the selling kills me some times)
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