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"Europe Stocks Slip After ECB Draghi's Cautious Comments" - Draghi is playing the world markets like [View All]

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geckosfeet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-01-11 10:01 AM
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"Europe Stocks Slip After ECB Draghi's Cautious Comments" - Draghi is playing the world markets like
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Edited on Thu Dec-01-11 10:07 AM by geckosfeet
This guy, Draghi, is playing the world markets like a fiddle.

I wonder how many people (his buddies and "associates") who get advance copies of his comments/talks/briefings have made money on the world markets because they know the extreme reactions that traders are going to have to his comments.

GLOBAL MARKETS: Europe Stocks Slip After ECB Draghi's Cautious Comments

European stocks fell and the euro slipped against the dollar after comments by European Central Bank President Mario Draghi were laced with caution, tempering the positive sentiment following Wednesday's coordinated liquidity moves by central banks.

Draghi, speaking to the European parliament on the joint measures by banks, warned that downside risks to the economic outlook have increased and he also cautioned that dysfunctional government bond markets in several euro-area countries are hampering single monetary policy. In addition, the ECB's president said the central bank's bond purchases can only be limited.

By 0910 GMT, the Stoxx Europe 600 index was down 0.7% at 238.40. This follows a gain of 3.6% on Wednesday, the biggest percentage gain since Aug. 12. London's FTSE 100 fell 0.3% to 5489.11, Frankfurt's DAX declined 0.8% to 6041.70 and Paris's CAC-40 was 0.9% lower at 3125.85.

Yesterday markets rallied on his comments and a lot of people (his cronies) probably cashed in.

on edit - fixed type in subject
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