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Reply #5: Its worth a page scan - as they have a lot of interesting stuff you won't find elsewhere [View All]

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Ruby the Liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-01-11 12:54 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Its worth a page scan - as they have a lot of interesting stuff you won't find elsewhere
As an example of weirdness though, just the other day they were howling about the 'sure end of the markets' based on a commodity hedger closing shop - and how this was indicative of imminent collapse. I followed the links to the links (etc) and read the fund's webpage (single woman operation specializing in grain/cattle futures) and then over to her youtube page (linked from the fund main page) where she promotes building bunkers and the destruction of Islam as destroyer of humanity.

Hardly worth noting that she closed shop, much less the bell-ringing importance that they gave it. Meh scale 1:10 and I only gave it 1 for the entertainment value.

So, go and enjoy (I do weekly) but recognize that you may need to sift behind the headlines for the backstory on what they are all excited about.

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