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Reply #10: But But But But [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Environment/Energy Donate to DU
guardian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 09:42 AM
Response to Original message
10. But But But But
How can that be?? Doomers tell me the climate NEVER changed until SUVs were invented. Any and all changes in rainfall, or above or below average seasonal localized temperatures MUST ALWAYS be the result of AGW. EVERY perceived unpleasant weather/climate effect is caused by AGW. Of course, perceived beneficial changes are always 'natural'.

After all, if climate changed in the past and climate is changing now, how can one discern the difference and assign cause? Oh I know: my grant money is based on stoking the fear flames of AGW.

p.s. to the OP...thanks for posting. You might find a current show on the Discovery channel interesting. It is titled "Why Ancient Egypt Fell". The show purports that a prolonged drought resulted the empire's collapse. This seems to be a somewhat common occurrence in history where significant and prolonged climate change resulted in the collapse of civilizations/regions. Everything from Mayan/Aztecs, Incas, European dark ages, ancient Egypt, early Jamestown, etc.
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